
Asia Explained was created

  • to organize professional debates in a Round Table format, where scholars, experts and professionals present their propositions and debate on the key Asia related topics , while the board of selected experts comments on the arguments and questions panelists

  • to deliver in-depth analysis on current events, trends and processes shaping the Asian political, economic, social and cultural landscape and to decode how they influence world and selected countries or regions

  • to create a friendly and inspiring networking environment for scholars, experts, and professionals engaged in Asia related researches or activities and to provide the meeting space for various scientific and professional organizations seeking establishing new ties and seeking cooperation opportunities

The Crew

Piotr Andrzej Głogowski

Academic. Piotr is an author of scientific articles about Japanese internal and foreign policy, as well as bilateral and multilateral relations between the countries of the region. Conducts independent research on various fields like 1) spill-over effects of Abenomics; 2) Japan’s demographic problems in the context of women’s vocational activation; 3) the political situation of the state and the durability of economic relations; 4) directions of changes in Japanese domestic politics. Background. Piotr studied at the University of Economics in Hiroshima and graduated from the European Academy of Diplomacy. Currently is the head of the Asia group in the NGO Forum of Young Diplomats. Piotr is also an Assistant at the Department of Political Science at the University of Economics in Cracow, where he is working on a doctoral dissertation on Japanese political and economic activity in Africa. He is also a panelist at national and international level. List of his publications is available here (pdf).

Łukasz Sarek

Researcher. Lukasz is an author of multiple reports and analytical papers on the Chinese economy, Chinese foreign investments and China’s economic relations with Poland and other European countries. He has participated as a panelist in several international and domestic conferences. Consultant. Focused on sectoral analysis. He develops strategies and operational models facilitating China market entry for the Polish companies. Economic commentator. His articles were published in various journals, magazines and portals including: Polish Diplomatic Review, Warsaw Institute Review, Central European Financial Observer, Liberal Culture, Forbes.pl, Sinopsis. For many years Lukasz studied, worked and managed representative office in China. He runs a consulting company and works as a think tank researcher. He is a co-author of the Skosnym Okiem blog. List of his publications is available here (pdf).


Anna Kubielas

Economist. Anna is a graduate economist with fields of her interest in macroeconomics. As an author of world economics thesis Anna researches economic growth and economic development highlighting the differences between both and analysing alternative economic indicators. Academic. As a PhD candidate at the University of Economics in Cracow Anna focuses on development economics, sustainable development and economic inequalities. Her doctoral dissertation focuses on emerging markets that is India and People’s Republic of China and their socio-economic development, economic structure, economic inequalities and barriers in economic development. Business analyst. Anna works in a private banking sector as a business analyst driving regulatory projects in the European region.